Raffaele Puppio Special Education Attorney to Speak at Lehigh University Special Education Law Symposium
Date: June 24-29, 2018
Location: Lehigh University, College of Education, Iacocca Hall, 111 Research Drive, Bethlehem, PA 18015
Details: Pennsylvania special education lawyer Gabrielle C. Goham, of Delaware County full-service law firm Raffaele Puppio, will speak at Lehigh University's 2018 Special Education Law Symposium on Tuesday, June 26.
Goham and Selene Almazan, a Maryland parent attorney, will participate in the “Restraints, Seclusion, and Abuse: Aversive Legal Consequences?” session. The discussion will focus on the need for safe environments for students with disabilities, based upon sound research-based techniques of instruction and behavioral intervention.
The Special Education Law Symposium runs from June 24 to 29. For more information, visit Lehigh University’s website.
About Raffaele Puppio – Raffaele Puppio is one of the largest and most established full-service law firms in Delaware County, Pennsylvania. Attorneys within the firm are known for their legal prowess among the bench and bar in Delaware County, having decades of experience representing school districts, municipalities, businesses and individual clients, helping to solve legal problems while avoiding future legal issues. The attorneys provide sound legal counsel in the areas of school law, government and municipal services, family law, general litigation, personal injury, commercial real estate and business transactions, elder law, estate administration and planning, and criminal law.