Archive for the ‘Family Law’ Category

When You Can’t Be There in Person

May 3rd, 2018
By Raffaele Puppio

Separation and divorce will change family lifestyles in a variety of ways, most profoundly in the amount of time spent with children. With the high rate of divorce, it is common for children to live apart from at least one parent, sometimes far away. Virtual parenting offers a partial solution to the problem of long-distance…

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How to Turn Your Case into the Divorce from Hell

January 24th, 2018
By Raffaele Puppio

Thinking of creating even more havoc in your already contentious divorce in Delaware County? Then focusing on your own emotional destruction and playing games are sure to do the trick. Published by the American Bar Association, “Turn Your Case into the Divorce from Hell” is a worthwhile tongue-in-cheek read if you are in the process…

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Marital Settlement Negotiations

November 17th, 2017
By Raffaele Puppio

During a divorce, your family law attorney is the advocate for your objectives. Divorce proceedings or child custody disputes can be especially emotional and challenging for the people involved, and it is imperative that family law attorneys have the skills to prepare their clients for the toughest negotiations. The American Bar Association published Planning for Settlement…

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Divorce and Financial Considerations

August 10th, 2017
By Raffaele Puppio

The thought of divorce can trigger fear of the unknown and concerns about your future and the future of your family members. There are many questions to be answered, and all are related in some way to financial considerations involving the equitable distribution of marital assets including retirement savings, possible alimony, child support, attorney’s fees…

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Dealing with Trusts in Divorce Cases in Delaware County

May 18th, 2017
By Raffaele Puppio

Trusts are a unique vehicle available to estate planning attorneys to accomplish a multitude of goals. They tend to be the longest and most complex of all estate planning documents. For even the most experienced family law attorney in Delaware County, ascertaining why a trust was set up in a certain way by the original…

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A Snapshot of the Financial Considerations in a Divorce

December 8th, 2016
By Raffaele Puppio

Published in Family Advocate, Vol. 37, No. 1, (Summer 2014) p. 4-7. © 2014 by the American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion thereof may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the…

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New Types of Protection Orders Available in Pennsylvania

November 23rd, 2016
By Raffaele Puppio

Most attorneys are aware of the protections available to clients through Pennsylvania’s Protection from Abuse Act, but new alternative protective orders expand the protections offered to victims of sexual violence and intimidation in Pennsylvania. The protections afforded under the PFA Act are conditioned upon the victim being a spouse/former spouse, a parent of a child…

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Estate Planning Tips During a Divorce

October 14th, 2016

For most, a divorce is a foreign, complex and highly emotional process. Once a party has decided to divorce or has been served with a divorce complaint, the issues that take the forefront are the ones which affect a party’s everyday life – how will expenses be paid, where will each party live, how often…

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Understanding the Financial Ramifications of Divorce

September 15th, 2016

While money can be a significant source of stress in a marriage, that stress and discord can be multiplied exponentially during a divorce. Understanding – or at least asking the right questions about – the financial aspects of divorce is important even before divorce proceedings begin. Ensuring that your finances are stable and that the…

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Share and Share Alike – The Many Ways to Co-Parent

September 1st, 2016

Once a couple has decided to divorce, one of most important challenges they face is deciding how to continue to parent together even though they will be living apart. But how, exactly, can they share parenting duties after a divorce? No single approach works best for all families, and reaching an arrangement that benefits the…

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